Blanidas Active Enzyme 1l


Blanidas Active enzyme is a universal non-aldehyde non-chlorine product for current, final, preventive disinfection and simultaneous washing of all types of surfaces, for general cleaning, for disinfection of medical devices (disinfection + pre-sterilization cleaning + high-level disinfection).

540 UAH

Blanidas Active enzyme is a universal non-aldehyde non-chlorine product for current, final, preventive disinfection and simultaneous washing of all types of surfaces, for general cleaning, for disinfection of medical devices (disinfection + pre-sterilization cleaning + high-level disinfection).

Properties: Means without chlorine and aldehydes. Universal application. It perfectly cleans tool surfaces without additional mechanical impact. Provides minimal contact of medical personnel with infected instruments. Destroys the microbiological film inside endoscopes. Working solutions of the product have pronounced detergent, deodorizing, wetting, emulsifying properties. Remove mechanical, protein, fatty contaminants, blood residues, drug residues from external surfaces, internal channels and cavities of medical devices, homogenize sputum and other secretions.

It has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal, sporocidal activity. Prolonged antimicrobial action.

The shelf life of an unused working solution is 28 days.

  • Бланидас
  • Ukraine

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