Caries Marker Voco 3мл

1 218 UAH

The Caries Marker contains a red color indicator for staining necrotically altered dentin affected by caries.

The Caries Marker facilitates visual inspection of decayed tooth surfaces. Healthy tooth tissue - enamel as well as mineralized dentin will not be stained, which facilitates gentle removal of the affected area of the tooth. Healthy, non-colored dentin should be preserved during caries treatment.


The Caries Marker is used to color the surface of a tooth damaged by caries.
- to identify residual caries after removal of visible infection.
- to clearly distinguish the damaged tooth surface from the healthy tooth surface, especially for discolored secondary dentin.
- to monitor the complete removal of carious dentin
- to detect caries in hard-to-reach areas of the tooth
- to show the patient the areas affected by caries
- for training purposes, e.g. on an extracted tooth
- detection of obliterated nerve canals
- To detect microcracks in fillings

Directions for use:

First, clean the tooth surface from severely discolored soft plaque.
Treat the cavity (affected area) with Caries Marker for 5 to 10 seconds (no longer!) and rinse with water.
It is recommended to apply the liquid using a Pele Tim sponge.
Dentin damaged by caries will be colored intensely red.
Remove the colored areas of dentin completely, while carefully protecting the uncolored areas. Repeat the cycle until no more discolored dentin surfaces appear.
Plaque and residual caries are also stained with the Caries Marker and must be removed.

Guidelines and cautions:

The intensity of the marking can be intensified by drying the affected area of the tooth with an air jet.
Do not expose the tooth surface to the colorant for too long (max. 10 seconds).
At the end of the procedure, rinse the treated tooth thoroughly.
Failure to do so will result in discoloration and subsequent removal of the zoral dentin.
Do not use on areas in close proximity to the pulp to avoid erroneous removal of blood stained areas.
Avoid contact with skin and clothing (risk of staining).
Remove from clothing with a weak solution of vinegar.

Caries Marker contains propylene glycol, contact with concentrated Caries Marker may cause irritation of the patient's oral mucosa (e.g. irritation, allergy).

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