Endosolv R


Solvent preparation for root canal filling, previously filled with resorcinol-formalin pastes

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Endosolv - Endosolv is a solvent preparation for filling root canals, previously filled with resorcinol-formalin pastes. (Septodont, France)

It can be used as a conditioner and solvent for gutta-percha
when filling root canals.

Instructions for use:
The working field should be isolated by rubber dam as with all types of endodontic treatment. The pulp chamber should be cleaned and access to the root canal prepared. Put a drop of the drug into the cavity so that the drug gets into the channel using the tool (first file, pulp extractor or probe). Keep the tip of the tool moistened with Endosolv. The tool should be removed from the channel when you feel a dense substance in the channel, wetted with the drug and reintroduced into the channel. The canal filling procedure is repeated until the apex is reached. During processing, the channel should be irrigated with sodium hypochloride.

Special warnings:
After extracting the contents of the channel, a complete cleaning of the channel should be made, its complete release from Endosolv residues. Especially if re-filling will be performed with zinc oxide-eugenol cement.

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