Listerin (Listerin)


LISTERINE - mouthwash for effective hygiene of the entire oral cavity

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LISTERINE - the world's No. 1 mouthwash for effective oral hygiene

The only rinse that provides effective control over the multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity thanks to the active antibacterial formula that can penetrate into the biofilm and destroy it.

It is clinically proven that LISTERINE:

Destroys up to 99.9% of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity.
Reduces plaque formation by 56% more effective than just brushing your teeth.
Reduces the risk of gingivitis by 36%.
Effectively eliminates the causes of halitosis.
Provides 24-hour oral protection with daily two-time use.
What is an antibacterial rinse for?

Bacteria that live in the oral cavity are organized into interacting colonies and form the so-called biofilm. It is a formless soft deposition on the surface of a tooth, filling, or prosthesis that is invisible to the eye. The bacteria that it contains feed on the remnants of food and use them to increase its size. The metabolic processes actively occurring in the biofilm are protected by white plaque, which is a sticky deposit adjacent to the surface of the tooth. By structure, white plaque is a mixture of microorganisms, dead cells of the oral mucosa, saliva proteins and white blood cells. Biofilm and plaque lead to an increase in the number of harmful bacteria, the waste products of which are harmful to teeth and gums.
Just brushing your teeth with a toothbrush is not enough, because teeth make up only 25% of the entire oral cavity, while the bacteria that make up plaque live not only on the teeth. The use of rinse aid after brushing your teeth allows you to clean the entire oral cavity from plaque. However, not all rinses are equally effective.
The use of traditional rinses allows you to remove only single bacteria located on the surface of the teeth and the mucous membrane of the mouth. That is why, just a few hours after their use, the growth of the microbial flora is restored to its previous level and the formation of plaque continues.

  • Johnson&Johnson
  • Италия
  • 1l, 1,5 l

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