Bleaching System Arde Lumine K 35% 5g


A two-component hydrogen peroxide-based gel with a high content of active ingredient (35%). It has all the functions that the clinician desires from this material. The halogen light of bleaching systems can be used for initiation or the reaction can be chemical only. The intracanal whitening function makes this material versatile - it is an all-in-one syringe. Arde Lumine K 35% is highly effective and easy to use. Be sure to read the storage instructions for the material. Automix Syringe 5 g

Two-component whitening gel for in-office whitening of depulped teeth.

1 204 UAH

Arde Lumine K 35% is a system for in-office whitening. It is a syringe with two components of gel-like consistency based on hydrogen peroxide (35%). Two-component whitening gel is activated after mixing the components and can act without activation by light. If possible, a photolamp is also used to increase the effect. The possibility of whitening without ultraviolet irradiation makes the material universal. The professional whitening gel Arde Lumine K is suitable for intracanal whitening of depulped teeth. With Arde Lumine K 35%, excellent results are achieved. The two-component 5 g automix syringe ensures proportional mixing, rational use and easy handling.

Arde Lumine K Universal Teeth Whitening System is used to whiten teeth when:

  • discoloration of decayed teeth after exposure to filling material
    Various diseases that are accompanied by enamel discoloration
    Aesthetic desires of the patient in the absence of contraindications

  • Sensitivity of teeth with bare dentin.
    Poor quality old restorations
    Pregnant or lactating women
    less than 13-14 years of age.
    Teeth affected by acids or alkalis

    Instructions for use of Arde Lumine k 35% whitening:

  • professional oral hygiene
    isolate the teeth with a liquid cofferdam with lip and cheek retractor or with a regular cofferdam.
    Mix the two components white and red (acid gel and alkaline activator) to create a neutral whitening gel. The neutrality of the Teeth Whitening System helps prevent tooth sensitivity. Mixing is done on glass or in any container with a spatula or brush.
    Apply the gel for teeth whitening on the vestibular surface with an applicator evenly over the entire surface with a layer of 1-2 mm.
    To increase the speed and quality of whitening use a plasma lamp in the mode (2-3 seconds / 2000 mW / cm2). Each desired tooth is shone 10-15 times one after another for 10-15 min. If you use a photolamp with a special nozzle with 500 mW/cm2 shine also 10-15 min. Using an ordinary photolamp the effect is achieved longer.
    After whitening, the gel should be thoroughly washed off.
    polishing pastes containing fluoride can be applied

Intracanal whitening requires:

  • check the quality of the canal filling and remove stained tissue if possible
    shape the cavity, place a hermetic dressing on the mouth
    apply Arde Lumine K gel on the lip and inner surface of the tooth
    activate the polymerization lamp, 2-3 sessions of 15 min each.
    for better effect it can be left for 24 hours under a reliable temporary filling.

The teeth whitening system must be stored in the refrigerator.
Manufactured by Ardenia (Ardenia) Germany.

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