RelyX ™ U200 (Relix U200) Clicker 11g


RelyX ™ U200 (Relix U200) is a universal self-adhesive, self-etching, dual-cured composite cement for fixing orthopedic structures. Manufacturer 3M ESPE (3M ESPE).

Not available

Delivery form, color for choice:

- 56877 RelyX U 200 Clicker (clicker 11 g), color transparent

- 56878 RelyX U 200 Clicker (clicker 11 g), color A2 universal

- 56879 RelyX U 200 Clicker (clicker 11 g), color A3 opaque.

Indications for the use of composite cement Relix U200:

Permanent fixation of orthopedic structures

• All-ceramic crowns, inlays / onlays, bridges.
• Composite crowns, inlays / onlays.
• Metal-free structures based on zirconium oxide / aluminum.
• Metal crowns, inlays, onlays and bridges with ceramic, composite, and plastic lining.
• All kinds of endodontic pins and stump tabs
• Orthodontic constructions.

The advantages of composite cement Relix U200:

• High degree of adhesion and good quality of marginal fit.
• Minimal risk of postoperative sensitivity.
• There is no stage of pickling, priming, bonding.
• Tolerance to moisture.
• X-ray contrast.
• Ease of use and hygiene.
• Consistent consistency.
• The material in the clicker is enough to fix 40 units of crowns.
• The innovative “Clicker” packaging, the paste / paste form provides ease of use.

Relaix U200 combines the simplicity of traditional cements with the aesthetics and strength of composite systems. When working with RelyX ™ U200 cement, there is no need for pickling, primer and bonding - fixing consists of just five simple steps. Simplification of the fixation process, in turn, minimizes the influence of the “human” factor and guarantees the reliability of the restoration, regardless of the skills of the doctor.

RelyX ™ U200 cement has a convenient form of material supply - a dispenser for automatic mixing and various intraoral nozzles guarantee homogeneous mixing and convenient application of cement in any clinical situation.

Cement is also available in the economical Clicker ™ dispenser, which makes it easy to dose cement, provides homogeneous mixing in the exact proportion of the two pastes and makes it easy to control the residual number of doses on a scale on its handle.

Cement Deluxe U200 is presented in three shades: universal (A2), opaque (A3) and transparent.

In operation, the RelyX ™ U200 provides:

• Simplified fixation process: no etching and bonding steps
• Minimal risk of errors and postoperative sensitivity
• A high degree of adhesion to tooth tissues and all types of materials for the manufacture of any designs *, as with traditional multi-step composite systems
• Reliable fixation without breaking the edge fit, durability of restoration due to the unique mechanism of cement neutralization
• Double curing mechanism
• Choice of shades and excellent light transmission for aesthetic restorations
• Improved fluidity for even more comfortable mixing of base and catalytic pastes
• Economical material consumption
• Freedom of choice in any clinical situation

* - except for veneers

Recommendation for the use of composite cement Relix U200:

• Remove the temporary structure, clean the prepared area
• Knead the cement for 20 seconds, apply it inside the structure and / or on the prepared area
• Lock the structure
• Remove excess cement
• Photopolymerize (if necessary)
• Working time from the beginning of kneading 2:00 min
• When fixing intra-root structures (tabs, pins), do not use a channel filler

Relix U200 composite cement photopolymerization time:

Single surface: 20 sec
Each next surface for an additional 20 seconds

RelyX U200 Self Curing Time:

The start of polymerization from the beginning of kneading 2:00 min.
Final cure time from start of kneading 5:00 min

  • 3M ESPE
  • США
  • 11г

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